Travel alert information

Receive the most up-to-date status information about your flight.

If your Air New Zealand flight is cancelled or delayed by more than 20 minutes or you have been transferred to a different Air New Zealand flight, we'll let you know via SMS or email with Travel Alerts.

You will automatically receive an SMS or email, based on your stated communication preference, if:

  • You made your booking as an Airpoints member, or
  • You selected to receive travel alerts when you booked through our website

Sign up to Travel Alerts

If you have not already signed up for Travel Alerts, please retrieve your booking and register a day-of-travel mobile number or email address.

You can turn Travel Alerts off if you prefer to use the Air NZ mobile app for flight updates. 

Mobile app

You can also use the Air NZ mobile app to see all of your domestic and international flights, view up-to-date details including seat and gate numbers and be notified of any changes to your flight time, changes in gates and flight boarding.