Premium Long haul experience
Incheon - Auckland
Round trip, per adult
Incheon - Auckland
Round trip, per adult
Incheon - Christchurch
Round trip, per adult
Incheon - Queenstown
Round trip, per adult
Travelling to New Zealand
Credits and refunds
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New Zealand tourist destination discount codes
Auckland-Incheon direct service
New Zealand Entry & Transit Requirements
*Fares above include applicable taxes and surcharges. Tax is subject to currency exchange fluctuation. Final tax amount will be calculated upon confirmation of booking. Please click through to respective deal pages for full terms and conditions.
Please note: credit card transactions on this website are processed outside of Korea and your card provider may charge an additional overseas transaction service fee.
Air New Zealand Limited | Representative: EunGeong Park | Address: 12th Floor, Twin Tree Tower A, 6 Yulgok-ro, Jongro-gu, Seoul, Korea 03142 | Phone: 02-737-4025 | Email: | E-commerce License number: 제2019-서울종로-0815호.